Climate Incorporated is your premier supplier for high quality liquid and bulk bolted storage tanks for thousands of applications throughout the world market. Using proprietary technologies we are a single point provider for industrial, commercial, and agricultural tank accessories that allow our tanks to often exceed the American Water Works Association (AWWA D-103), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 22), European Union (EN), FM Approvals, etc. We use high quality raw materials, which meet or exceed the requirements of relevant tank design standards and applicable International Standards e.g. AWWA D103-09, EN 10025, EN 10149, ASTM A1011 etc. In most cases, the requirements of a fire suppression sprinkler system design are dictated by various Building Codes. Chiefly, in the North and South America, the National Fire Protection Association sprinkler systems, commonly called NFPA standards, is the standard for design and code approval. Many tank features must accompany the project: MaxAccess™ (roof hatch), SeeLevel Blue™ (level gauge), ladder, safety cage, roof platform, test return, MaxAccess™ (manway or bulkhead side entry), Halcyon Assembly™ (vortex inhibitor), PosiFill™ (inlet nozzle, flange, gaskets, bolts, valve, and float), and at minimum exceeding the American Water Works Association (AWWA D-103) Standards for bolted steel tanks. We also manufacture steel bolted floors, embedding rings, bolted steel cones, nozzles and connectors, ladders, safety cages, platforms, and walkways, and vents. Our tanks typically have roof designs of either PERMADOME® geodesic domes, tapered beam and external beam, trough deck, single and double membrane roofs, and PVC covers.